C C++


_침묵_ 2007. 5. 7. 19:12

출처 : http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/Monitor_IP_Scanner.aspx

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Download Source Code - 450.4 KB

Screenshot - MonitorIPScanner.jpg


"Monitor IP Scanner" is a tool used to monitor the system resources and perform some of its basic functionalities. It is intended for both system administrators and general users to monitor and manage their networks.

Monitor IP Scanner can be used to monitor: memory usage, IP configurations, network configuration details with IP statistics, routing tables and ARP table information. You can also check if a network computer is alive or not using the IP address or domain name. You can even send messages between the computers on a network by establishing client / server connectivity. Therefore, the server would support a greater number of client connections. This will also be used to get the information from other PCs which are on the same network. Things like - getting the routing table, IP statistics, ARP table information from another computer and displaying it in another computer by establishing a TCP connection using the IP address which displays in a TCP routing table or user-defined IP address - are all possibilities.


Monitor IP Scanner supports some of the following major features:

  1. Host Config
  2. IP Config
  3. MonAdmin config
  4. Network Config
  5. Ping Config
  6. Send Message

A walkthrough in Monitor IP and its components.